Wednesday, July 26, 2006

'No targets for Parkwise’

By Gordon McCully
The Citizen
Motorists in Chorley have been told they are in the driving seat for reducing the number of parking tickets issued.
The number of issued tickets in the second year of the controversial Parkwise scheme is on course to fall - but it can only be achieved with the help of motorists, according to Chorley Borough Council.
The council has made a number of recommendations to improve the scheme.
Councillor Eric Bell, executive member for streetscene, neighbourhoods and the environment, explained: "The aim of this council is to get the number of tickets issued down and we're doing everything we can to make sure that happens.
We have already agreed 19 recommendations for improvements to the scheme but we can only make a difference if motorists act responsibly when parking.
"The simple fact is that we have no targets whatsoever for the number of tickets issued through Parkwise - and if no-one parked illegally there would not be one solitary ticket issued in the borough.
"That's our aim and we hope every motorist will help us achieve it."

The council pointed out that:
Parking attendants have no targets for issuing tickets and there are no bonuses available to them for issuing more
It does not make any money from Parkwise
There are only a handful of people who have been issued with a ticket twice
Councillor Bell also spoke out to remind motorists that they have 10 minutes grace' to pay and display' and five minutes if they over run their time.
"The council has introduced a number of benefits to motorists in Chorley in recent weeks. Alongside the improvements to Parkwise, charges on our car parks have also been frozen until 2007.
"This is great news and especially when you consider our car parks are already among the cheapest in Lancashire and have the security seal from the British Parking Association."

2:22pm Wednesday 26th July 2006


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